スポーツクリエーションとは About Sports Creation
『スポーツは、創れる!』 “ Sports can be created! ”
“ Sports can be created! ”
By utilizing the cutting edge technology to the civic tech, Superhuman Sports had been developed with repeated tries and error, is an epoch-making creation method.
Superhuman Sports Project is creating a new kind of community and the field of people from various kinds of background and named the trend of creation of combining the sports, technology and creativity as Sports Creation.
We are pursuing the generating the value of the company and the local area, discover and recruit of creative persons and creation of new culture and community by holding Superhuman Sports Hackathon in Tokyo and Superhuman Sports Project from Iwate Pref. which created local sports.
By utilizing the cutting edge technology to the civic tech, Superhuman Sports had been developed with repeated tries and error, is an epoch-making creation method.
Superhuman Sports Project is creating a new kind of community and the field of people from various kinds of background and named the trend of creation of combining the sports, technology and creativity as Sports Creation.
We are pursuing the generating the value of the company and the local area, discover and recruit of creative persons and creation of new culture and community by holding Superhuman Sports Hackathon in Tokyo and Superhuman Sports Project from Iwate Pref. which created local sports.


- 超人スポーツハッカソン
Superhuman Sports Hackathon - デザイナー、プログラマー、学生、社会人を問わず、様々なバックグラウンドを持つ人々と共にスポーツを発想し、創り上げていく、共創によるスポーツクリエーション・イベントを企画しています。
To inspire and create sports, we hold events for sports inventions in collaboration with people of diverse backgrounds, such as designers, programmers, students, and businessmen.

- 超人スポーツイラスト大会
Superman Sports Illustration Events - イラストレーター、漫画家の卵たちと共に、未来の超人スポーツを考えるコンペティションを開催。ポップカルチャーとスポーツが融合した姿を描き出します。
In collaboration with young illustrators and manga creators, we hold competitions to develop superhuman sports that combine pop culture and sports.

- 超人スポーツ×地域
Superhuman Sports x Local Cultures - 地域の価値を再発見し、スポーツとして設計するワークショップを実施。スポーツクリエーションを通した創造人材の発掘・新しいコミュニティの創出を目指します。
We hold workshops to rediscover local cultures and incorporate them into sports. We aim to discover creative talent, and create new communities.