Superhuman Sports 超人スポーツとは
“Superhuman Sports” Redesign “Sports” with Modern Technologies.
Superhuman Sports are re-innovating the sports by the cutting edge technologies.
- 人間拡張技術
- 自在性
人間の身体能力を補綴・拡張する人間拡張工学に基づき、人の身体能力を超える力を身につけ「人を超える」、あるいは年齢や障碍などの身体差により生じる「人と人のバリアを超える」。このような超人 (Superhuman) 同士がテクノロジーを自在に乗りこなし、競い合う「人機一体」の新たなスポーツを創造します。
Based on human augmentation engineering that complements and augments human physical abilities and human-machine integration technology, a new field of sports will be created in which "superhumans" with augmented abilities "overcome personal barriers" of physical differences, age, or disabilities, and freely compete with each other using these technologies.
Based on the Transhumanism, to enforce and enhance the human ability, humans obtain super power to beyond the human capacity and also beyond the border between the age and the disabilities. In this way, create the new sports that Superhumans control the technology freely to compete each other like the human and the machine unified.
- 人機一体
- Human-Machine Integration
- スポーツデザイン
- Sportification
In addition to developing technologies required to actualize superhuman sports, we design new sports rules, create new sports that fit the new era, and promote the growth of the field of sports itself.
To realize the Superhuman Sports, we are working on not only developing the new technology, training the player and foster the community, but designing, the role of new sports, creating sports which adapt to the new era in order to expand the sports.
We promote new sports in accordance with the following three principles.
All participants can enjoy sports -
Sports continue to evolve with technology -
All spectators can enjoy sports
Superhuman sports augment the sports environment itself following these three principles.

- 身体の拡張
Augmentation of the Body - ウェアラブルデバイスや義体化技術により人の五感や運動機能を拡張し人を超える身体能力を生み出します。
- We can achieve superhuman physical abilities by augmenting the five senses and motor functions with wearable devices, prosthetic technologies, etc.

- 道具の拡張
Tool Augmentation - 遠くを見渡せる装具やどんな人でも魔球を投げられる球を開発し、個人の能力差を越えスポーツの可能性を拡げます。
- By developing a tool with augmented features that allow anyone to see far away, such as a ball that allows anyone to throw a breaking ball, we increase the potential of sports to overcome individual differences in abilities.

- フィールドの拡張
Augmentation of the Fields - 人の行動範囲を、陸上から空や水、さらにはバーチャルな世界にまで拡げ新たなスポーツの舞台を創造します。
- We create new stages for sports by augmenting the space of human activity from the ground to the sky, water, and the virtual world.

- プレイヤー層の拡張
Increasing Player Diversity - 老若男女、障碍の有無に関わらず、すべての人が一緒にスポーツを楽しみ、人と人との垣根を超える社会を作ります。
- We create a community that lowers personal barriers, and allows everyone to enjoy sports together, regardless of age, gender, or disabilities.

- トレーニングの拡張
Augmentation of Training - アスリートの身体運動をあらゆる感覚情報として精緻に捉え「身体で覚える」新たなトレーニングを可能とします。
- We offer new "learn-by-doing" training solutions for athletes, which precisely measure the physical activity of athletes with all the sensory input.

- 観戦の拡張
Augmentation of the Sports Watching Experience - プレイヤーの体感や緊張感を数万人に同時配信、スタジアムやネットの向こう側でその体験を共有し、応援を届けます。
- We simultaneously share players' sensations, tensions, and experiences to tens of thousands of people across the stadium and the Internet, and deliver support.
Superhuman Sports Project 超人スポーツプロジェクトとは
Since ancient times, sports have been highly refined as fields to explore the possibilities of the body and to challenge one's own limits, and to have a friendly competition with peers. The Basic Act on Sports enacted in Japan in 2011 clearly states for the first time and guarantees that everyone can equally enjoy sports as a right. We would like to push this one step further, and create a future where everyone can enjoy sports regardless of their weaknesses, disadvantages, age, disabilities, or qualifications.
こうした考えのもと私たちは、国内のスポーツ・ヒューマンインターフェース・ロボット・エンターテイメント・コミュニケーションメディアに関わる産学官の力を結集し、スポーツとテクノロジー、文化を融合することで、新領域のスポーツ「超人スポーツ」を開拓する超人スポーツ協会(Superhuman Sports Society:略称「S3」)を設立し、超人スポーツによる新たなスポーツの祭典の開催に留まらず、超人スポーツ産業の創出と拡大、超人スポーツ学術研究の発展を目指し活動を推進してきました。
Based on these ideas, we had established Superhuman Sports Society (S3) that develops new sports (i.e., superhuman sports) by combining sports, technology, and culture, in collaboration with industry, academia, and government in areas of domestic sports, human interface, robotics, entertainment, and communication media. In addition to holding new superhuman sports festivals, we will create and expand the superhuman sports industry, and promote academic research on superhuman sports.
Since 2023, the Superhuman Sports Society has actively promoted organizational structures for the Superhuman Sports Project and the Superhuman Sports Academia, each with its respective roles.
From ancient times, sports have offered an opportunity to play freely to discover and explore the possibility of the human body. Moreover, the challenge for both individuals and teams to play their best is becoming highly sophisticated. In the basic act on sport established in 2011, the first right to do sport was clearly stated, so that, thanks to the guaranteed right, everyone can equally enjoy sport in Japan. Tokyo was selected to hold the 2020 Olympics; with the establishment of the basic act on sports, our consciousness towards sports is growing more and more. We want to build upon this growing importance by enabling everyone - young, elderly, healthy, disabled, amateur, and professional, to enjoy sports together.
From this vision, we gathered industry, academia and government related specialists from the diverse disciplines of sports, human interface, robotics, entertainment, and communication media to develop a new field of sports in which everyone can enjoy sports anywhere. “Superhuman Sports Society” merges sports technology and culture.


- 超人スポーツ開発者の支援
Support for Superhuman Sports Developers - アスリート、エンジニア、デザイナー、スポーツが得意な人、苦手な人。誰もが超人スポーツのクリエイターです。
Athletes, engineers, designers, those who are good at sports, and those who are not good at sports… Everyone can be a creator of superhuman sports.

- 超人スポーツ競技者の支援
Support for Superhuman Sports Athletes - 誰もが気軽に超人スポーツを体験できるワークショップや競技会を開催し、超人スポーツの競技人口を拡大します。
By holding workshops and competitions in which anyone can easily experience superhuman sports, we will increase the player population.

- 超人スポーツ研究者の支援
Support for Researchers of Superhuman Sports - 様々な領域の人々と超人スポーツの現在と未来を共に考え形にしていくため、研究会やシンポジウムを開催します。
We hold workshops and symposiums with people in various fields to shape the present and future of superhuman sports.