Project Details

  • English

    TORSO is a robot head that provides a natural and immersive stereoscopic vision. It has 6 degrees of freedom which represent the viewer's eye structure, 3 DoF supporting the waist aand 3 DoF supporting the head. It can follow the user's head movement quickly due i's light weight. It not only exhibits a motion parallax thanks to translational movement but also enables to the user to look around much more faster due to the last panning axis.

  • 日本語

    TORSO は操縦者へ自然で違和感のない立体映像を提示するためのロボットヘッドで、非常に軽量な3自由度の頭部とそれを支える3自由度の腰部から構成されていま す。従来のロボットヘッドでは再現することが難しかった頭部の平行移動で生じる運動視差だけでなく、パン軸を最終段に配置することで高速な見回し動作を ハードウエアで実現しています。

    • Exhibitor:
      Graduate School of Media Design
    • Location: Reality Media
    • Website: Reality Media HP